Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ)
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) is the Office of Industrial Relations's (OIR) branch responsible for supervising work conditions and try reducing the amount of workers injured and killed on the job.
The office also enforces health and safety laws. This includes prosecuting breaches of legislation, investigating workplace injuries and fatalities, and educating employers and employees on their legal obligations. The goal of laws and legislative instruments in workplace health and safety is to protect the health, safety and welfare of all workers.
There is also a branch tasked with workers' compensation services (WorkCover). Compensation can be in the form of wages and medical expenses in case of work-related injuries. Both organisations report to Queensland's Minister for Industrial Relations.
In Queensland, anyone on construction sites can make a compensation claim. WorkSafe however requires workers to undertake general construction induction training (White Card course) prior to being allowed on construction sites. The course maps to the Unit of Competency CPCCWHS1001 - prepare to work safely in the construction industry. The training must be completed with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority. Once the training is completed, workers are issued with a White Card license (formerly know as the Blue Card in Queensland).
The White Card license does not expired and can be replaced if damaged or lost. Failing to hold the license while onsite will see WHSQ issue fines to both the worker and the employer.