Skills Service Organisation (SSO)

A Skills Service Organisation (SSO) is an independent, professional organisation that supports Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) in their work planning, developing, implementing and reviewing training packages used by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

There are currently 6 SSOs funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business.

SSOs support industry engagement while remaining independent from both industry and the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. This includes preparing documents such as the skills forecast and proposed schedule of work, and assisting with developing and reviewing training packages.

SSOs are open to feedback and contributions from industry stakeholders that want to help with the development of training packages. They engage with industry (workers, employers etc.) to ensure that the training reflects the actual needs of knowledge and skills used on the job.


Artibus is responsible for the Construction Plumbing and Services and the Property Services. As such, they are the SSO leading the development of the training package used in the White Card course, the Unit of Competency CPCCWHS1001 - prepare to work safely in the construction industry.

They describe themselves as: "Artibus Innovation is a leading, respected skills & knowledge standards house with a national and global reach." You can visit their website for more information.